
City of Porterville


Ridgeline Analysis
Opportunities Analysis
Constraints Analysis
Slope Analysis
Zoning Standards
Performance Standards
Community Workshops
Graphic Illustrations
Public Presentations


Public Policy

City of Porterville

Porterville, CA

The City of Porterville’s objective for creating a Hillside Ordinance is to facilitate and permit the orderly development of property within the hillside areas through a set of hillside development standards aimed at protecting the public health, safety and welfare; protecting and preserving natural and biological resources for the long-term benefit of the Porterville community. This set of standards defines the size, type, location, density, and intensity of development based on available infrastructure, the geographic steepness of terrain, presence of unique geographic conditions and constraints. The ordinance will encourage the use of sensitive site design, grading, landscape architecture, and architecture, all to achieve the City’s objectives.

The Hillside Residential (R-H) zoning district and the regulations contained are intended to provide development that is consistent with and serves to implement the goals and policies developed concurrently with the Porterville General Plan.